Rules for Magic


This supplement will detail the Magic system used in the Majestic Wilderlands. It will use elements of Ars Magica, GURPS Magic, Deryni Magic (Katherine Kurtz), and some my own creations. This supplement is in two section, one detailing the society in which mages deal with each other, and two the variant rules used to incorporate the Majestic Wilderland Magic into GURPS.

The background of this supplement will draw mostly from White Wolf's Ars Magica series. There are differences as this takes place in the Majestic Wilderlands and not Mythic Europe. The General Background of this Preface will outline those differences.

A General Background

In order to use this supplement I have provided a general explanation of the background of Magic in the Majestic Wilderlands.


Some magi, concerned that rivals might steal their hard-won secrets, live alone and in secrecy. The vast majority, however, live together in small communities bonded by vows of friendship and cooperation. A covenant is a self-sufficient collegium of magical learning where magi gather for protection and to share resources. Usually it is located in a magical area, where magical forces are more easily controlled and gathered. While covenants can be of any size, most have fewer than a dozen members. Some magi, however, live in huge covenants where the centralization of power and lore make them formidable, but where complex hierarchies limit the individual magus' freedoms.

Beside the wizard members of the covenant, there are many others who live there, including guards, cooks, servants, scholars, scribes, artisans, adventurers, and often a assortment of friends and companions.. The magi support these individuals and, in return, they are served by them. As a community, a covenant is usually self-sufficient and its inhabitants are often highly loyal to their arcane leaders. Though not actually a part of most societies, most folks relate to the magi as they would the nobility of their realm.

The politics within a covenant are entirely dependent on the attitudes and behaviors of its members. Some covenants have a rigid structure, while others are loose collections of individuals, cooperating only occasionally. Some are rife with internal schemes and attempts by individuals or faction to gain power over the others. Most wizard characters belong to a covenant, but it is not entirely unusual for a magi to return to their home only occasionally, spending much of their time traveling. A covenant is what a magus makes of it so they can vary wildly.

The Orders

In the Majestic Wilderlands there arose five great orders of Magic. Each has discovered the secrets of magic, and a structure for magi to share knowledge and pass on lore to apprentices. They are the Order of the Viridian Eye, the Order of Thoth, Order of the Trehaen, Order of Set, and the Order of Thor.

All the great Orders have central to it their code, which regulates the activities of magi, both among their peers and in society at large. Magi want protection from their neighbors and sufficient peace to carry out their arcane studies. They know that their lives are potentially hundreds of years long and that those who could most easily cut short this long life are other magi. Therefore, by living within the Order and avoiding mortal combat with each other, the magi assure themselves a broad degree of security. Additionally, there are other powers upon this earth, some with strength to or greater than a wizard's own; only with unity can outside challenges be successfully met.

Order of Thoth

This is the most powerful Order of magi in the Majestic Wilderlands. It arose on the ruins of the Ghinorian Empire over a thousand years ago. The Order of Thoth are noted for being the great synthesizers of the Wilderland. They have successfully combined the traditions of older Orders to form the first general theory of Magic.

The Order of Thoth uses the normal GURPS Magic rules. Except they gain the ability to use the Parma Magica at five times their magery. The Parma Magica operates in all respects as Magic Resistance EXCEPT that it doesn't affect the magus ability to cast his own spells. Magery cost normal. Plus all Thothian Magi must take a Duty to the Order and Code of Honor: Thothian Code.

Order of Viridian Eye

This is one of the oldest of the Order of magi in the Majestic Wilderlands. It arose over four thousand years ago when the Viridians first came to the Wilderlands. It is believe that this Order is still controlled by Viridian Magi despite the recent fall of the Viridian Empire. This Order has a long history of carrying out the will of the Viridian Emperors and furthering the aims of the Viridian Empire. The Order of the Viridian Eye are noted for their ability in the creation of Magical artifacts both simple and powerful. It is rumoured that this Order is strong in the summoning of demons and contain many members that are demonists.

Viridian Magi use the normal Magic rules except that they may only cast their spells thru ceremonies. Plus the cost to create magic item is divided by twice the combined magery of Viridian magi creating the item. Their Magery cost 10/5/5. Plus make take the disadvantage of Duty to the Empire.

Order of the Trehaen

This is the oldest of all the Orders. They have a continuous history stretching back over ten thousand years. Of all the Orders they have the closest relationship to the Elves of the Wilderlands and learned much of their lore from them.

Trehean use the normal rules of GURPS Magic, except they may not use any ceremony of any kind including creating magic item. Thus for Slow and Sure Magic items only one magus may be working on a item at a time. There magery cost is 10/5/5. Plus any Trehaen magus has +5 to cast spontaneous spells. In addition Elves go by these same rules thus in the Majestic Wilderlands Elves cost 35 not 40 points. The reason for the lack of ceremonial magic is that the Elves never had need for ceremonial magic as any one Elven Mage had enought time to create anything he or she wanted.

Order of Set

This Order stretches back over five thousand years from the founding of the Thule Empire in the Far South. The early Thule Emperors were successful in getting the local magi to aid them in uniting the Thule Empire. Today the Order of Set, Church of Set, and the Emperor form a triad that controls and dominates the Thule Empire. There is great enmity between the Order of Thoth and the Order of Set. The Order of Set is noted for their ability to cast powerful ceremonial spell rituals that involve many magi.

The Order of Set can only use Ceremonial Magic. However Set Magi counts as a number of magi equal to their magery. So a Magery 3 Set Mage counts as three Magi for Slow and Sure creation and every fatique he spends counts for triple value. Their Magery costs 10/5/5. Some Set Magus have replicated the Parma Magica and are allowed to pay for Magery at 15/10/10 plus a 10 point unusual background cost. Other restriction still apply. They also must take Duty to the Order.

Order of Thor

This is the youngest and least powerful of all the Order. These Order magi came with the Northeron Vikings that swept out of the North into the Wilderlands over 400 years ago. While new, they have a raw vigor that the other orders lack and this enables the Order of Thor to compete against the older Orders. The Order of Thor are noted for their elemental magic especially over wind and ice and their ability to use magical runes in their magic.

The Order of Thor uses the rules for Runes out of GURPS Magic. The cost of their magery is 10/5/5.

The Dominions

The Majestic Wilderlands is a world of Gods and miracles as well as a world of Magic. The Dominions are the areas of the Wilderlands that are holy to the gods and the god's will is predominate in those areas. Demonic forces, fairy, and magic all bow to the power of the gods in their dominions. Each Dominions has their own unique characteristics, but all of them bend the forces of the magic to their power. Magi tend to avoid the areas that have fallen under the sway of a god's dominion and establish their covenants elsewhere.

The Demonic Forces

This is another source of power in the Wilderlands, the Gods eons ago imprisoned the Demons on the Isle of Tiranog. Separated from the mortal realms by the nine crystals. through supernatural means mortals are able to breach the wall and call upon the demons for a measure of their power. As with the power of the Dominions, the Demonic forces are detrimental to the power of magic. All the orders watch carefully for use of magic in gaining access to the Demons.

Wizards and Society

The various Orders are a threat to the hierarchy of society since the magi blow to neither Patriarch or Potentate, but it is powerful enough to deter rulers from attacking it openly. The knight's courage and the priest's prayers have supernatural powers of their own, so member of the Order rarely attack their mundane foes in open warfare. Those who cause undue conflict between the Orders and society are subject to punitive action.

Young Magi often find the restraints caused by society annoying, and they sometimes skirmish with the powers of the mundane world. Older magi, however find ways to pursue the are of magic despite the desires of those who would attempt to control magi, or to destroy them. They scorn those who don't follow their example. Most magi are very wary of the outside world and will go to any length to maintain the shaky peace which has been held so long.

Fanatic voices within the Order and within the various Churches have long called for an end to the long-standing truce and a final confrontation between the two to see who is more powerful. So far, more reasonable voices have prevailed.

For their part, most magi realize that, while they wield great power, they have no defense against miracles. As long as they stay out of the various Churchs way, they are largely left alone, but were they to threaten society at large, they would no doubt suffer the Gods fury. Besides, many in the Orders support the various Churches and agree with many of their teachings. Misunderstanding and/or political intrigue are the bases of any conflict between the magi and the churches, not moral antipathy.

It must be noted that all of the Orders realize that aid to the barons and the churches will ease the tensions between the magi and society. So they make available the services and knowledge of magi to the barons and churches. The Order of Set has gone so far to become part of the triad that governs the Thule Empire. Only the Order of the Viridian Eye has ruthlessly engaged in the total expulsion of all dominions from the realm of the Viridian Empire. The Viridian rulers had instigated and supported this for 40 centuries and it has been successful so far. It is rumored that the Viridian Eye relies on the aid of Demonic forces to hold back the various dominions.


It is with great trepidation that I accepted the aid of the magi in this endeavour. Long I thought them to be delvers into dusty tomes, muttering obscure phrases to achieve the most meager of our lady's miracles. But throughout the reconquesta of Ghinor they have proven to have powers beyond the wildest imagination. These magi have the belief that they are above other folks, that they have access to knowledge long gone from mortal ken. I have faith in the Red Maiden, but I fear that we have accepted a demon in our midst. I urge you most strenuously your Eminance to keep a watchful eye

Preceptor Avinor

4172 After the Arrival

There are wizards in this world, and they are masters of arcane powers beyond mortal ken. Using traditions of magic nearly as old as history itself, they spend their lives in the pursuit of lore, wisdom, and of ever greater power. Conducting their esoteric affairs apart from the rest of humanity, they live in covenants located on the edges of civilizations, behind forbidding walls in the city, or isolated by the coils of power from the concerns of mortals. They are outside the bounds of mortal society, and though they may visit it, travel thorough it, or even rule it, they are never truly a part of it. Heirs to old traditions they are scattered across every land. Though the magi are rarely seen by the common folks, nobody denies their powers. The magi are not to be trifled with.

Each of the five Orders stem far back into history, each have a long and proud history behind them. The next section will detail the history of the five Orders, their traditions and their Magic.

I stand here on the docks of Isselmere, breathing in the salt air and marveling at the number and diversity of the Redcaps' ships. From City-State, Modron, Tlan, Lenap, Nome, Tula, and Ghinor they come bearing thier messages, troves of lore, and magi on errands of importance. I toiled for fifthteen year in Master Loginus labratory, learning the arts and of our Order. But not until today looking out from the docks of Isselmere, I truly fealt the awesome power and might of my Order, the Order of Thoth

Magus Holinard

4342 After the Arrival.

Order of Thoth


Ancient Origins

The Order of Thoth, oddly enough got it's start in the Ghinorian people and the Church of Mitra. Over four thousand years ago, Mitra called the Ghinorian people, under St Alcambras they migrated north to now what is the Valley of Ghinor. There they settled and built their land.

One of the reason the Ghinorian fled was the rise of the Thule and their Empire. The Thule people followed Set and the Ghinorians followed Mitra. To save her people, Mitra led them to a place to where they can defend themselves. A thousand years after arriving at the Valley the Ghinorians and the Thules came back into contact once again. Thule had with them their army, their Church, and a new weapon; The Order of Set.

The Ghinorians were at a disadvantage but they were able to resist because of the natural defenses the Valley of Ghinor provided them. The Ghinorians unified under a king and formed the Kingdom of Ghinor. Under the Kingdom the Ghinorians were able to discover the power behind the Order of Set; Magic.

Soon magi were organized under the auspices of the Church of Magic. But because of the power of Mitra's Dominion, the Ghinorian magi never become as proficient as the Order of Set. They never discovered the detrimental effect of Mitra's dominion on their magic. But the Ghinorians were a holy people and were able to use their faith to resist Set and the Thule Empire.

Ghinorian Magi borrowed much of their theory and practice from the Order of Set. This mostly involved large number of Magi in elaborate rituals and often took a great deal of time to complete. The lore-keepers and scribes of the Church of Mitra was known as the Order of the White Quill and the magi were adminstered as part of the White Quill.

Eventually both the Thule Empire and the Ghinorian Kingdom were swept under the tide of incoming barbarians and their conflict ceased for several hundred years. In 2493 AA (After the Arrival) the Ghinorians reunited under the Ghinorian Empire. As under the Kingdom, the magi continued to be under the auspices of the Church of Mitra, which weakened their power.

In 2603, Plentarch codified the rituals of the Ghinorian magi into thirty-eight spells, each of which had to be studied and mastered separately. Plentarch theory of Magic included nothing of general use, such as the current techniques and forms, but was centered on explaining in highly spiritual terms the thirty-eight spell rituals.

With the expansion of the empire, the Ghinorian magi came in contact with many different cultures with their own traditions of Magi. In each case the magic of the Ghinorian magi was weaker than the magi of the new culture. Especially valuable was the contact between the Ghinorians and the Elves. It was from the Elves, the Ghinorian magi learned how Mitra's dominion effected their magic and why they were weaker than other magi . But before the Ghinorian magi could use their new found knowledge, a wave of intolerance swept the Empire.

As the Ghinorian Empire grew in size and power, both the Ghinorian people and the Church of Mitra grew in arrogance and intolerance. The magi who dared to learned from other traditions were branded as heretics and where either killed or forced to go into hiding. The remainder adhered to traditional orthodox Ghinorian magical tradition and allowed themselves to be ruled by dogma.

There was innovation in during this time. The Order of White Staff was dedicated to missionary work among the subjects of the Ghinorian Empire and to serve the poor of the Empire In the course of their work the White Staff came into contact with many of the beliefs and ideals of other cultures. Some with intriqued by the other magi and learned some spells of the non-Mitric tradition. Which they used to aid them in their mission. For a long time it was a great secret of the White Staff that they even employed non-Mitric magic.

The fall of the Empire and rise of the Order of Thoth

As the centuries passed, the Ghinorians came under barbarian pressure and by 3498 their Empire collapsed, conquered by Arlun the Barbarian. On the remains of the Ghinorian Empire Arlun established the Ioian Empire. At first Arlun respected the Church and attempted to rule with it over the conquered Empire, but the Church supported a Ghinorian pretender to the throne in 3505. Arlun swiftly crushed the rebellion and ordered the scouring of the Church of Mitra from the Empire. From 3505 to 3510 the Harrowing of Ghinor took place and over 90% of the Church was looted and razed to the ground.

Arlun was left without his greatest supernatural asset and began to invite magicians from the surrounding lands to his court. Along with the magi, came the Order of Set from Thule. The Order of Set began a slow plan to gain control over the Ioian Empire. Meanwhile the formally persecuted non-Mitric Ghinorian Magi came from their hiding places and began to live more openly. The Order of the White Staff was one of the few surviving remenents of the Church, and many of it's members started to practice magic openly.

Between 3550 and 3650 was a golden age for Ghinorian magi. Released from their ancient traditions, with the power of Mitra's dominion on the wane, and influx of many magi from other cultures. The Ghinorian magi found new vigor in their studies of magic. This new found vigor and magical knowledge spread itself out into the farthest colonies of the Ghinorian people.

After 3650, the Ioian Emperors steadily became weaker and the Empire was soon wracked by civil wars. The Order of Set began to accelerate its plans to dominate the Empire and the magi who dwell in it. Magi were forced to pick sides in the civil wars and either to be for or against the Order of Set. Soon magi began to fight magi and hoard their knowledge. Finally in 3722 the Ioian Empire collapsed and the land lapsed into anarchy.

The First Tribunal

About 3840, the sorceress Trianoma had a vision: the magi of Ghinor united once again. She believed in the future she foresaw, but she did not know how she could overcome the distrust, the history of violence prevalent among the magi and the forces of the Order of Set. She traveled across the old Empire speaking with various wizards, and most supported the idea in theory, but few trusted their fellows enough to be willing to work together. Furthermore the varied approaches they used to master magic kept them from being able to share much of their magical knowledge, plus the Order of Set was noted for smashing any large group of magi organizing, thus cooperation was not seen a viable option. But nearly all the magi shared a deep mistrust of the Order of Set and viewed that unless something was done all the magi were doomed to join. Several poems and epics were composed of Trianoma's journeys.

After years of searching, she found a solution to her problem. She discovered the wizard Bonisagus living seclusion in a cave in the Majestic Fastness, working on a universal theory of Magic. His studies had already revealed to a way to create a simple magical shield that protected one from magic (now called simply the "parma magica"). Trianoma saw how these discoveries could allow her to form the Order she envisioned. The parma magica would allow magi to meet with little fear of being attacked by themselves or the Order of Set, and a universal theory of magic would give them a reason to work together. Trianoma encouraged other magi to visit with Bonisagus and share what they knew with him. Diedne, a wizard from the Trehaen tradition, proved very valuable because she taught Bonisagus a way to cast new spells without having to perform a long ritual beforehand. Using this and other knowledge, Bonisagus developed a broadly applicable theory of magic, now known as the Thoth Tradition.

While Bonisagus unified the magic of the magi, Trianoma masterminded their political unification. She brought twelve of the most powerful magi of the time together for the purpose of forming an Order. After years of negotiations, threats, and recriminations, they wrote the Code and named their Order after the God of Knowledge. They learned the parma magica and studied Bonisagus' theory of magic. At Durenmar in the forest of Ellission, in 3887, the twelve magi swore to uphold the Code of Thoth, and the Order was officially formed. Trianoma was the first Praeco at that very first Tribunal, and her influence can easily be seen thorough out the document that the magi simply call the "Code".

The twelve realized that with even with the new found power of magic, they still had to fear other magi. So systematically they sought other Wizards out and offered them membership in the newly formed Order. All they asked was for the wizard to abide by the simple Code of Thoth, and to allow themselves to be adopted into one of the Houses that had been formed --- each which was based upon and named after one of the Founders.

The Early Days of the Order

The immediate threat to the Order of Thoth was the Order of Set. Although the Order of Set had been active in the area for over 300 years they hadn't made much headway in getting the magi to join. Despite their disillusionment with the Church of Mitra, many of the Ghinorian magi still retain their ancient mistrust of anything to do with Set and his minions. So when the twelve began recruiting among the magi they knew they would have to oppose the Order of Set.

Ten of the twelve descended from Ghinorian magical traditions and considered themselves superior (as, no doubt, did each definable group), and it was this group of Ghinorian speakers that formed the core of the Order. Two wizards from other traditions, Bjornaer and Diedne, joined the Order as well, but the effort to recruit members was most strongly aimed at those who followed the Ghinorian Tradition. The founders generally though that including more barbaric wizards in the Order would only cause strife and would lead to the downfall of the Order as the barbarians were the downfall of the Ghinorian Empire, plus they didn't value the knowledge that the non-Ghinorian wizards would be able to offer in any case.

Once the Order had consolidated, it turned its energies to the Order of Set. In those dark times, Tytalus, Flambeau, and other magi avidly hunted down members of the Order of Set. Bonisagus' parma magica made these wizards stronger than the Order of Set, and they enjoyed repeated victories. (A change for the Ghinorian magi).

These bloody years of fighting with the Order of Set gave rise to many tales of great deeds and wondrous battles, but by the 3950's these battle died down. In the north, House Diedne was able to come to a truce with the Order of the Trehaen and now they coexisted, the wizards of the northlands proved too powerful on their home ground to be destroyed (and soon will get their chance to retaliate, once the Order of Set was driven back into the Thule Empire, they were able to give more effective resistance.

In 3923 the city of Tula, former capital of the Ioian Empire collapsed into civil disorder when it's tyrant lost the support of the Order of Set. The city council pleaded with the Order to come and take control and restore. After much deliberation the Order decided to call a special Grand Tribunal in 3926 to decide. The Grand Tribunal, decided to accept Tula's appeal, and take direct control of Tula. They were able to restore order and the grateful populace decided to continue to live under magi rule. To this day Tula is known as the Wizard's city. Like elsewhere in the Wilderlands the magi don't advertise their presence and try to rule the city through intermediates as much as possible.

At the Grand Tribunal of 3953 it was decided to move the Grand Tribunal from Durenmar to Tula. Today the Grand Tribunal met in the Tower of Thoth, the tallest structure in Tula and perhaps the only visible sign of their rule.

The Domination of House Tremere

Between 3900 and 4000, House Tremere, through skillful use of certamen and political intrigue, nearly dominated the Order, ruling several Tribunals and steadily growing in power. Lead by Tremere himself who was still alive and masterminding the attempt, this effort to control the Order nearly succeeded. Most magi supported him either out of feat or the belief that it would bring stability and few would directly oppose him for out of respect for being the only living founder. The plot was finally stopped by a group of unidentified magi who broke the minds of Tremere's chief lieutenants, thereby ruining his chain of command. To this day Tremere is carefully watched and the ambitions of its members and its Primus in particular are closely watched by the Quaesitoris.

The Corruption of House Tytalus

Around 4090, the Primus and several other leaders of House Tytalus were found to be demonists. They had been engaged in a campaign of corrupting magi of other Houses and gaining ever more power through the use of magic and spells which they gained from consorting with Demons.

During the early days of the Order House Tytalus was quite active against the Order of the Viridian Eye. From their bases in Lenap they struck north into Viridistan. From the treasure and lore they gained, it is believed they came across Viridian lore about demonic forces and how they can be used in magic.

The Primus and the other House Tytalus leaders claimed that they were simply using the demons to further their own powers and had not risked their souls nor had given the Demons anything substantive. This was not believed by the rest of the Order, by a special session of the Grand Tribunal they were tried and executed.

The whole affair of House Tytalus sent waves of fear and hate throughout the Order and some say this was a direct cause of the Schism War. Other say that it was the result of the lingering effect of the demonic forces that House Tytalus used, most believe it was the nature and the tenor of the times.

The Great Schism War

Just after 4100, open conflict broke out within the Order, a prolonged series of skirmishes, battles, and assassinations that have come to be known as the Schism War. It was a period of great destruction and growing rifts.

Some Houses and many powerful magi wanted to restrict the interaction among the Houses so that corruption in one House would not lead to the downfall of others. The corruption of House Tytalus was, no doubt, the main cause for this paranoia, but intrigue, competition, and skirmishing in general added to the atmosphere of distrust. Magi refused to attend Tribunals, or to agree on the decision passed by Tribunals, saying they were "influenced by Tiranog". Differences of Opinion turned into frequent Wizard Wars and raids, and some groups of unscrupulous magi took advantage of the confusion and began to simply raid covenants and ransack them for their treasures.

The confusion eventually led to a free-for-all and old feuds that had been quietly simmering for years were renewed. Sides shifted continually and the fighting took many lives. Some Houses retreated to avoid the violence, while other increased their violent activities to deter attackers or just to pursue personal grudges amid the chaos. Many covenants closed themselves off from the world and spent their energy increasing their defenses, to this day a covenant in the Roglaroon Tribunal exist that refuse to believe the Schism war is over and have used the years to increase their defenses to ludicrous levels. The Quaesitoris lost effective power as the magi stooped obeying their orders, and it looked to most like the Order of Thoth was about to fall into total disorder. The Grand Tribunals of 4118, and 4151 were mared by violence and dissension. All that was required was one more wave of chaos and violence and the Order be swept away.

Fall of House Diedne

One of the most largest area of Ghinorians magi that remained outside of the Order of Thoth was in the Dragon Empire. Between 3500-3900, the Ghinorian of Caela, expanded into lands that were under the Order of the Trehaen.

Diedne was a magi from mixed Elessarian-Ghinorian heritage. She was raised in the Order of the Trehaen, but when Trianoma came to her with her proposal to form a new Order, Diedne was intrigued enough to teach Bonisagus the spontaneous magic of the Trehaen. Impressed with the other twelve assembled wizard she agreed in 3887 to join the Order of Thoth.

After aiding her fellow wizards against the Order of Set for a time. When she heard of the formation of the Dragon Empire by the Ghinorians of New Caelam in 3898 she left the South and returned to establish her house in the Empire. Although she had the blessing of Bonisagus and the others, Flambeau and Tremere felt she abandoned them for "safer grounds". This resentment would have dire consequences for House Diedne later.

Between 3900 and 3950 House Diedne expanded throughout Dragon Empire, recruiting many magi of both Ghinorian and Elessarian heritage from the Order of the Trehaen. The Trehaen resisted at first, resulting in a all-out wizard's war in the 3930's but by 3950. House Diedne and the Order of the Trehaen have made their peace. With the arrival of the other house between 3950-4000, House Diedne enforced the peace sometimes calling Wizard Wars against members of Flambeau and Tytalus. It was rumored that House Diedne was also instrumental in crippling Tremere's lieutenants in 3990's. House Diedne was careful in cultivating a relationship between them and the Elves of Silverwood. House Diedne learned much of Elven magic and lore from that relationship..

In 4140's The lands of the Dragon Empire was swept by invasions of the Tharian barbarians and Orcs. By 4153, The Dragon Empire, the Elven Kingdom of Silverwood, and the Dwarven Majestic Fastness were all destoryed. House Diedne was much weaken by the loss of the Empire, as most of their solidus live in the Dragon Empire, and their Elven allies in Silverwood. House Tremere sensed a opportunity to gain revenge on House Diedne and launched a all-out attack against Diedne, citing their accommodation of the Order of the Trehaen and their use of non-Thothian magic.

They called on House Flambeau to help rid the Order of these non-Ghinorian troublemakers, and the Flambeau magi joined in the battle with relish. The Quaesitoris, seeing a chance to regain power by gaining the alliance of the two most powerful houses, backed House Tremere and declared House Diedne Renounced in 4158. Most of the other Houses retreated for safety, but many individual magi with grudges to settle joined the assault.

In the subsequent war, House Diedne was entirely eliminated, its covenants destroyed, and most of the members put to the flames. It was most complete orgy of destruction the Order has ever known. The destruction so appalled the other Houses that within three years the Schism war was over and order was restored.

The Reconquest of Ghinor

With the passing of the Schism war, the Order began to turn its attention to long neglected matters on its border. Of great concern was the continued control of the Order of Set over the Valley of Ghinor. In 4163 it was decided to aid the Church of Mitra in a crusade to regain control of the Valley. 4165 a rebellion was started by Marshal Cinhil Haldane of the Order of St Gird. With the magi help by 4172, the Church was able to gain control of the Valley. In 4172 Cinhil Haldane was proclaimed Prince of Ghinor and Valley of Ghinor was organized as the Principality of Ghinor.

From 4175 to the present, the Order has used the Principality as base to launch further assaults into the strongholds of the Order of Set.


At the end of the Schism War, House Tremere established in 4164, a covenant in the City-State to become the new home of the Praeco ( a Tremere) of the Roglaroon Tribunal. It became known as the Chantry of Arcane Lore, and it delved deeply into recovering the lost lore of House Diedne and the Elves. Between 4175 and 4250 it aided the Lord Alliance ( a local alliance of Barons) in restoring order to the area. In 4253 Salm Lorin, the leader of the Chantry, became Praeco of the Roglaroon Tribunal.

Between 4253 and 4287, Salm-Lorin used the Chantry to gain control of the City-State. Any objections of the other magic of the Tribunal of Roglaroon was squashed by his position as Praeco. In 4287, Salm-Lorin defeated his opposition in a civil-war and the grateful City-State made him Overlord. Between 4287 and 4293 he became master of the region. The time 4293 to 4348 was known as the Tyranny in the City-State. Salm-Lorin steadily used his forces to conquered the surrounding lands becoming more and more power mad. The Tribunals were powerless to do anything. They couldn't muster the three-fourth votes to hold a meeting without Salm-Lorin. After a attempt to hold a Tribunal in 4301, Salm-Lorin started Wizard marches against his opponents and most had to flee or be killed.

Finally he attack the Principality of Modron in 4311, a Ghinorian successor kingdom. Mad he proclaim the dominion shall fear us as once we feared it. Salm-Lorin outlawed the Church of Mitra outlawing it and it's sacred places..

At the Grand Tribunal of 4316, the Order declared a Wizard's March against Salm-Lorin and the Chantry. Several direct assaults failed but in 4324, the Order was able to help the other Ghinorian kingdoms in the area organize a crusade and retake Modron. Between 4324 and 4348, the Order helped Halius of Bulwark become Overlord of the Tharians. Then they were able to get Halius to attack the City-State. In 4348, Halius' son Lucius the Great took the City-State and Salm-Lorin killed himself by throwing himself off the highest tower of the Cryptic Citadel.

Lucius' forces looted the City-State and the Chantry before the Order could get magi there. Most of the lore and treasure were recovered or found, but some disturbingly powerful items turned up "missing". It is believed that the item are now in the hands of the Overlord of the City-State. The Order quickly hunted down the remaining members of the Chantry and executed them. The Overlord Halius gratefully granted the Order back their Chantry and gave royal appointments to various magi. Today the Chantry of Arcane-Lore has regained it's place as a premiere center of magical learning and lore in the Order.

As a result of this the Grand Tribunal of 4349 ruled that no magi may become a ruler over mortals, except in the case of the city of Tula.

The Order of Thor

Between 4100 and 4200, the Northerons exploded across the Winedark Sea from the North. Settling thorough out the Winedark sea area they carved out new kingdoms and homes for their clans. The Northeron magi still remember the attacks that the Order of Thoth launched against them between 3900 and 4000. Now they styled themselves as the Order of Thor. What they lack in magical sophistication, they make up for it in vigor and cunning.

Recent History

The Order of Thoth is now facing new challenges as it faces it's 500th year. Many magi believe that Order has stop growing and is starting to stagnate. Tremere and Flambeau wants to start expanding again especially in the territories formerly belonging to the Order of the Viridian Eye. The Viridstan Empire is the throes of collapse and the Order of the Viridian Eye is much weaken. Tremere and Flambeau view this is a ripe opportunity for the Order to expand. Flambeau is also vigorous in advocating attack against the Order of Thor. They are eager to test their Ignem Skills against the ice spells of the Order of Thor.

A large faction of the Order is concerned that if Tremere and Flambeau have their way, too many magi will be drawn from guarding the southern realms from the advancement of the Order of Set. They oppose any move that will weaken the strength of the Order against the Order of Set. Even more disturbing are report that the Order of Set has duplicated some of the Order's advances including the parma magica.

Another Order worry is the revitalization of the Church of Mitra. Although for now it seem that a reform faction has overwhelming control, the Order is worried that eventually the Church will return to it's intolerant ways and persecute magi. Despite this many magi in the Order supported the Church when it reconquered the Ghinorian Valley and many magi continue to support the new Principality against the Thule Empire in order occupy the Churches attention..

Also is the worrying enroachment of magi from the eastern realms. Little known, they seem to be taking a interesting in the affairs of the Wilderlands for the first time. These enigmatic wizards often display powers that defy the laws of all of the known Orders. Just as disturbing it appear that the Empire of Karia is employing these magi in support their heretical Church of Mitra.

There is also a threat from the Western desert lands with the rise of the cult of Horus. Horus seems to be a new supernatural force, the Order has determined that there is a growing Dominion in the western desert lands that is not of any of the ten gods. As the followers of Horus display extreme antipathy to magi, and have shown great skill at conquering, the Order has become concerned about these zealot.

It is a worry that the Overlord Lucius III is dangerous to the Order. It is known that he has a member of the Order of the Trehaen, Lewellyn the Blue as his Esoteric Royal and that Lewellyn is training magi in Trehaen ways. So far attempts to penetrate Lewellyn's covenant has failed. Even more disturbing is there is evince that the Overlord has a hidden covenant of magi to do his magi. And that these magi are Thothian magi or have access to Thothian lore. All attempts at scrying have failed.

Also the Order has been concerned with the Hellbridge Temple in the City-State. The current Overlord's father invited the Church of Set to establish a temple in the City-State when he was involved in a dispute with the Church of Mitra. With one of their Myrmidons, Lord Divolic becoming a duke of the City-State. The Order is concerned with the appearance of the Order of Set in the North.

Current Boundaries

The North

The Order has a presence at Waterdeep, but face competition from both the Order of the Trehaen, and the Order of Thor. They are strong in the Principality of Nome which is the strongest of their northern holding. Many of the Order have covenants among the lonely isles of the Winedark Sea. The Order also has spread throught out the lands controlled by the City-State, competing successfully against the remenents of the Order of the Trehaen centering in the Kingdom of Antillia. Many of the Flambeau and Tytalus are basing themselves in Modron and Nomar to fight the Order of Thor that is with the Skandian Barbarians. The North is a stronghold of House Merinita, who delight in the concentrate of the fey realms of Elves, and fairies.

The West

The Order is strong within the two Ghinorian successor states of Lenap and Tlan. Mainly the magi explore the local exotic wildlife, and guard against the incursions of the Order of the Viridian Eye. With the decline and collage of the Viridian Empire the magi in the region has become quite lack in their watch. The emergence of the followers of Horus took them by surprise. Many of House Bjornaer reside in this area and along the barbarian of the southern shores of the Five Seas. Plus the Quaesitoris are especially vigilant in this region for demonists because of the close proximity of the maelstrom which guards the link between the Wilderlands and Tiranog.

The South

This is the core of the Order's strength all the houses have magi here. The Order is vigilant against incursion of the Order of Set and supports the Principality of Ghinor as a bulwark against the Thule Empire. The most serious concern is the reemergence of the Dominion of Mitra since the establishment of the Principality.

The East

This is the area of the least Order activity. There has been little success in establishing the Order among the Karians, the Pearl Coast and certainly not in Sarnia (they are worshipper of the Death god Hamakhis). Mostly the Order has used the numerous islands of the region to build isolated chantries and safe harbors to get magi from the northern reaches to the southern areas. There has been report of enigmatic magi coming from the east and challenging various magi to certamen.



I, Bonisagus, hereby swear my everlasting loyalty to the Order of Thoth and its members.

I will not deprive nor attempt to deprive any member of the Order of his magical power. I will not slay nor attempt to slay any member of the Order, except in justly executed and formally declared Wizard's War. I hereby understand that Wizard's War is an open conflict between two magi who may slay each other without breaking this oath, and that should I be slain in a Wizard's War, no retribution shall fall on he who slays me.

I will abide by the decisions made by fair vote at the Tribunal. I will have one vote at the Tribunal, and I will use it prudently. I will respoect as equal the votes of all others at the Tribunal.

I will not endanger the Order thourgh my actions. Nor will I interfere with the affair of mundanes and thereby bring ruin upon my sodalis. I will not deal with demons, lest I imperil my soul and the souls of my sodalis as well. I will not molest the faeries, lest their vengeance catch my sodalis also.

I will not use magic to scry upon member of the Order of Hermes, nor shall I use it to peer into their affairs.

I will train apprentices who will swear to this Code, and should any of them turn against the Order and my sodalis, I shall be the first to strike them down and bring them to justice. No apprentice of min shall be called magus until he first swears to uphold this Code.

I concede to Bonisagus the right to take my apprentice if he should find my apprentice valuable to him in his studies. *

I shall further the knowledge of the Order and share with its members all that I find in my search for wisdom and power. **

I request that, should I break this oath, I be cast out of the Order. If I am cast out, I ask my sodalis to find me and slay me that my life may not continue in degradation and infamy.

The enemies of the Order are my enemies. The friends of the Order are my allies. Let us work as one and grow hale and strong.

This oath I hearby swear on the thirty-sixth day of the Black Moon, in the three thousand eight hundred and eighty sevenths year after the arrival.

Because the Code is so terse and free of detail, the Order has developed a Peripheral Code to explain, expand, and embellish it. The peripheral Cod is the collection of laws and precedents within the Order created by Tribunals since the occasions of the first speaking of the Code, and its interpretation is debated much more frequently than the Code it self.

I, Bonisagus, hereby swear my everlasting loyalty to the Order of Thoth and its members.

Bonisagus was the first magus to swear to the Code, so when it is written, his name is used. When the oath is actually taken by someone who is becoming a Thothian magus, they insert their own name where Bonisagus' name appears here.

I will not deprive nor attempt to deprive any member of the Order of his magical power. I will not slay nor attempt to slay any member of the Order, except in justly executed and formally declared Wizard's War. I hereby understand that Wizard's War is an open conflict between two magi who may slay each other without breaking this oath, and that should I be slain in a Wizard's War, no retribution shall fall on he who slays me.

This is the most important clause in the Code. Note that the magi regard losing one's magical power as even more serious than death. This clause ended the strife that had plagued the wizards after the fall of the Ionian Empire. A Wizard's war is defined as the challenge being received by the victim on the night of the full moon. The Wizard War begins on the night of the next full moon and is allowed to last until the next full moon. If neither party is killed by the next full moon then the Wizard War is off. The challenger can't challenge again until he is challenged by the person he challenged. Flambeau was responsible for the inclusion of the Wizard's War provision.

I will abide by the decisions made by fair vote at the Tribunal. I will have one vote at the Tribunal, and I will use it prudently. I will respect as equal the votes of all others at the Tribunal.

When the Order began, there was only one Tribunal. The Peripheral Code states that this clause refers to all official Hermetic Tribunals. Voting is regulated by sigils. Each magus has one sigil, given to them by their master, and whoever holds a magus' sigil by permission may vote as the magus' proxy at that magus' Tribunal.

I will not endanger the Order thorough my actions. Nor will I interfere with the affair of mundanes and thereby bring ruin upon my sodalis. I will not deal with demons, lest I imperil my soul and the souls of my sodalis as well. I will not molest the fairies, lest their vengeance catch my sodalis also.

This vital clause has been variously interpreted through the years. At first it was taken to mean that magi must not interfere at all in mortal affairs. Such a stipulation, however, has proved to be not feasible, especially as the mortal population has been growing. Now it is interpreted to mean only those interference that could result in retribution are prohibited. Today the Order allows magi to ally with local rulers provided that their local Tribunal concurs. In no case a magi is allowed to become a ruler over mundanes, save for the grogs attached to a covenant.

The prohibition against dealing with demons, however, is still strictly enforced. The corruption of House Tytalus in 4090 is had made Thothian magi so afraid of Tiranog that even talking with demons can be ruled a punishable offense.

House Merinita has tried to enforce the provision against molesting fairies, but faerie lands provide such large sources of raw vis that, again the prohibition extends only those offenses that endanger the Order or a significant number of magi

I will not use magic to scry upon member of the Order of Hermes, nor shall I use it to peer into their affairs.

This clause prevents magi from reading each others' minds, using clairvoyance spells to look into each others' sancta, and generally using spells that gain information about other magi. All these spells, of course, may be used such permission of the magus being "spied" on, but such permission may not be forced, even through certamen. The Quaesitoris, however, can exercise their right to spy on magi when the safety of the Order is in question. Other magi resent this use of their power, so the Quaesitoris do no use this right often (or at least do not let themselves get caught at it).

I will train apprentices who will swear to this Code, and should any of them turn against the Order and my sodalis, I shall be the first to strike them down and bring them to justice. No apprentice of mine shall be called magus until he first swears to uphold this Code.

Technically, this provision includes a promise to train apprentices, so that those who do not do are in violation of the oath. The interpretation, however, is not enforced. Still, magi do see training apprentices as a duty to be performed even if one will not personally profit from it. The only restriction this provision now imposes is that all apprentices much become Hermetic magi. The Peripheral code outline what is fair and unfair treatment of apprentices.

I concede to Bonisagus the right to take my apprentice if he should find my apprentice valuable to him in his studies. *

This clause was not spoken by Bonisagus, nor is it spoken by his followers. The Peripheral Code rules that the followers of Bonisagus have the same right to take apprentices of others

I shall further the knowledge of the Order and share with its members all that I find in my search for wisdom and power. **

Of the Founders, only Bonisagus spoke this provision, and now only his followers take this part of the oath. The clause compensates the other magi for the apprentices taken by Bonisagus and his followers.

I request that, should I break this oath, I be cast out of the Order. If I am cast out, I ask my sodalis to find me and slay me that my life may not continue in degradation and infamy.

This clause underscores the importance of following the Code. Those who break the Code can be Renounced, in which case a Wizards' March is called against the offender.

The enemies of the Order are my enemies. The friends of the Order are my allies. Let us work as one and grow hale and strong.

This unenforceable provision was an attempt to unify the magi. In practice, magi make their own enemies and friends, and the Order generally divided as to who qualifies as enemy, friend, and Ally. Event though this provision is not enforced or universally followed, it remains as the ideal within the Order.

This oath I hearby swear on the thirty-sixth day of the Black Moon, in the three thousand eight hundred and eighty sevenths year after the arrival.

Bonisagus took this oath on the 2nd day of Sky Woman in 3887. The Order typically takes their months from the ten cycles of the moon through the year and dates their doing from the arrival of the ghinorian people at the Valley of Ghinor.


A wizard's council is any gathering of magi who have come together to make a decision. Within a covenant, councils are reqular occurrences, but sometimes councils are called with representatvies from various covenants. Legally , any decision may be made by any number of magi, even one. In practice, however, the more magi involved in a decision and the more covenants represented, the more respect any decision will have. According to tradition, major decisions about the of magi, including the declaration of a Wizards' March, are only valid if made at a council.

A Tribunal was intially a term reserved only for what is now known as the Grand Tribunal -- the first and original Tribunal of the Order. Now, however it refers to any one of the several different, offically recognized and reqularly held council meetings of the Order, as well as the specfic geographic areas over which these meeting hold sway.

Making a decision at a Tribunal is not the determination of its legitmacy. If a council of three magi declares Wizards' March against another magus and then slays said magus, this action will surely be noticed by other magi in the area. The other magi will investigate the cause for the March, and if the cause was valide, the magi who called it will receive no punishment. Should the reasons be found to be flawed, however, those magi might be the target of another Wizards' March (probably by a larger number of magi). Likewise, a faluty decision made by a hundred magi is still a faulty decision, and if it can be proven faulty, the decision will be reversed. Wizards' Marches which are called by one of the local Tribunals are usually reviewed by the members of the Grand Tribunaml, to see if it was called for valid reasons.

A decision is almost always assumed to be valid if it is determined at a Tribunal. The Perpheral Code defines a Tribunal as a gathering of at least twelve magi representing at least four covenants, with a Quaesitor in good standing presiding over the votes. There are several Tribunals in the Order, each having jurisdiction over a specificed area. All magi within that area are members of the same Tribunal, and every seven years they met at the covenant of the Praeco to hold a Tribunal. It is at this Tribunal that decisions involving more than one covenant are made. All decisions made at a Tribunal are binding on magi from covenants in the area designated ast being under the Tribunal's control.

Tribunals are always exciting affairs consisting of a great deal of infighting, casual professional conservation, debates on important issues, reclusive magi coming out of their forests and caves, decision of great import determined, and, usally, a ritual of initiation for apprentices who are ready to become magi. The time of a Tribunal is both dreaded and long anitcipated by magi.

Customs of the Tribunals

A Tribunal is held every seven years. The following years has (or going to have) Tribunals; 4433, 4440, 4447, 4454, 4461, 4468, 4475, 4480, 4489, 4496, 4503. The Tribunal of 4482 is move to 4480 to prepare for the Grand Tribunal of 4481. The Tribunal of 4447 hasn't been move as it is already a year before the Grand Tribunal of 4448. All these dates are determined by House Quaesitor with consulation from the Grand Tribunal All covenants will be notified of the Tribunal six months ahead of time.

During the Tribunal the Magi will gather at the covenant of the senior Magi (Praeco). There they will conduct the meeting of the Tribunal. The day is occupied by annoucing which matters are to be brought in front of the Tribunal.and which apprentices are to be initiated. Once all the topics and initiations are announced the Praeco determines the order in which they are to be heard. If a Praeco wants apprentices to be able to vote, he will scheldule their initations first and then the topics. Otherwise the initiation are the last order of business. From the determination of the Order of business to sunset the day is filled with feasting and magi interacting socially with others of thier kind. At nightfall the Tribunal settles for business and last as long as there are topics to be voted on and initiations to be performed.

The Leader of the Tribunal

The Praeco is the leader of the Tribunal. He is generally the oldest magi in the Tribunal, although in rare cases, there has been enough concenous to elect a Praeco.

The Praeco cannot vote but in exchange has three broad powers. They are allowed to remove a magus right to speak at the Tribunal. Remove a magus from the discussion area. Finally to eject a magus from the Tribunal.

Silenced Magi may still vote but not speak. The Praeco can continue the ban of speaking for as long or short as he desires. A Magus removed from the discussion area cannot vote but may leave his sigil with another to vote with. They may be called back any time the Praeco wishes. The Praeco's ultimate power lies in their ability to eject anyone, except the Quaesitor, from the Tribunal. Ejected magi may leave their sigils with someone else, but they cannot particpate in the Tribunal and they cannot be called back. Most magi stay nearby for the final vote called by the Quaesitor.

At any time (except after being silenced or ejected), a magus can call a "vote of procedure". For the vote of procedure, all magi removed from the meeting can return, ech magus gets one vote, and all may speak. (Magi ejected from the Tribunal cannot return). They then can, by a two-thirds majority, vote to overrule any action of the Praeco. A silenced mage cannot call for a vote of procedure.

Another check on the Praeco's power come at the end of the Tribunal. when the Quaesitor always calls in those magi who have been removed or ejected and asks them if they wish to hold the Tribunal again, this time with the next oldest magus present acting as Praeco. No one can be silenced in the ensueing disscussion. If a three-fourth majority votes in favor of the re-holding the meeting,. the Tribunal is held again with the next-oldest magus as Praeco.


Voting is done by sigils and each magus has one., and those who are not able to attend may give theirs to magi who do attend.

The Quaesitor

The Quaetoris do not vote. They oversee the Tribunal to make sure that the Code of Thoth and the Perpheral Code are followed. If more than one Quaesitor is present than the most senior Quaesitor presides. The one power of the Quaesitor is declare the entire Tribunal to be invalid. To be offical the Tribunal must be overseen by a Quaesitor, and if the Quaesitor refuses to accept the Tribunal then none of its decisions are legally binding.

The Grand Tribunal

The Grand Tribunal is held every thirty-three years at Tula, the City of Wizards. Its decision has power over the entire Order and they are all entered into the Peripherial Code. The next three Grand Tribunals will be held in 4448, 4481, and 4514.

Each of the Tribunals of the Order selects three representatives for the Grand Tribunal. In a Tribunal one year before the Grand Tribunal.

There are several Tribunals scattered throughout the Majestic Wilderlands

Tribunal of Tula

Region: This cover from Tula at the North to the northern edge of the Valley of Ghinor.

Covenants: The Tower of Thoth, 23 others; Domius Magnus of House Jerbiton, Domius Magnus of House Criamon, Domius Magnus of House Bonisagus.

This is the heartland of the Order, the greatest concentration of magi in the world. It is also the location of Tula the only city in the Wilderlands to be ruled by the magi. The Primus is Herton of House Criamon. The influence of the Order has made this a peaceful land. The vigilance of the Order keeps the Order of Set out. The land is lightly worked divided into several small duchies and kingdoms. Since the reconquering of the Valley of Ghinor, there hasn't been any direct threat from the Empire and the region has been peaceful. The population has remained low as much of the excess has been immigrating into the principality of Ghinor to open abandoned fields. The lizard men of the Fordback Marshes has kept human settler from enroaching on their territory. The Fordbacks have been a excellent source of vim and magical ingredients. The prime concern is that the Dominion of Mitra doesn't creep north from the Valley of Ghinor. To this end many of Tula's Covenants have been providing aid to the Ghinorians forces and the Church of Mitra to keep on fighting the Thules to the south and the valley's covenants with sources of Vim to aid in the wars.

Tribunal of the Valley

Region: The Valley of Ghinor and the regions south.

Covenants: 10; Domus Magus Flambeau, Domus Magnus Tytalus.

This is the front-line in war against the Order of Set. Here the covenants are actively involved in helping both the Principality of Ghinor and the Church of Mitra in waging their war against the forces of Thule. Two of the Covenants are actually south of the Valley in the land of Lasara. Overall the Order has been quite successful against the Order of Set although there has been reports of Set magi casting Thothian magic, and know the parma magica. The last meeting of the Tribunal set up a special commission to confirm these reports. If these turn to true it could be a major shift of power to the Order of Set.

The magi of the Valley are having problems with the reemergence of the Dominion of Mitra in the valley. When the Principality was first established in 4187, the Dominion only appeared at consecrated temples. Over the centuries the Dominion has steadily spread throughout the Valley to the point that ten years ago the dominion started covering the entire valley on holy days of Mitra. This has been interfering with the ability of the 8 valley covenants to functions and has impaired their sources of vim to the point where they are beginning to have to import.

The covenants are planning on moving southward to escape the dominion of Mitra, but now with the appearance of the parma magica among the Order of Set this might not be feasible. The valley is also a prime destination of the Seekers as they delve into the ruins of the Ghinorian Empire and the old Kingdom.

The Tribunal of Kynar

Region: The Kingdoms of Kynar to the west of Tula, and the Exile Kingdoms.

Covenants: Cliffheart, Ashenrise; 12 others; Domus Magnus Meritan

This tribunal is almost as well established as the Tribunal of Tula. Kynar has proven to be a excellent source of vim because of it proximity to the Exile Kingdoms. The Meritan has established strong relations with the Elves and fairies of the regions.

The tribunal is facing two big problems. The incursion of the Sudarians barbarians from the west; and a infestation of demons and demonic forces.

The kingdoms of the region have been able to cope with the Sudarians for two centuries now, but lately the Tribunal has been fearing that another invasion is about to launched by the Sudarians. With the diseruption caused by the release of demonic force, the Tribunal fears that they won't be able to aid the kingdoms of the region as they did in the past. They are planning to bring a plan to the Grand Tribunal in 4448 to neutralize the Sudarians.

The threat of demons, and demonic forces is more pressing at the moment. Recently a powerful magus at Cliffheart was found to be dealing with demonic forces.. Soon after his discovery and explusion the covenant of Ashenrise was almost destroyed by demons. It since been officially dedicated to researching ways to fight demons and rid Kynar of them. It is believed that the renedge magus, Karlomen, has setup in the swamps south of Kynar and assembling a coven of demonists and demonic allies.

The covenants of Kynar are particularly close-knit and typically stay in close communications with each other.

The Tribunal of Tlan

Region: The Principality of Tlan, north to Angold Bay, The southern shores of the Five Seas.

Covenants: Duresca ;6 others; Domus Magnus of Bjornaer. Domus Magnus of Quaestori

The Dominion of Mitra is particularly strong in Tlan itself, so the covenants are located on the fringes of civilizations. Tlan has a high concentration of Bjornaer magi. The region has a high concentration of Bjornaer magi, and Beast magi from Ex Miscellanea. Tlan is noted for is fantastic array of exotic beasts and monsters. Many magi come from other Tribunals to go on a beast hunt to collect rare parts for magical experiments.

Duresca is the current residence of House Queasitori Domus Magnus. Unlike most of the other covenants of Tlan is located on a island off of the City of Tlan. It is close enough to the City to enable to magi to come and go there as they please but far enough that the Dominion doesn't effect it.

The Tribunal of Lenap

Region: The Principality of Lenap, south to Angold Bay, north to Viridstan. east to the Orchia.

Covenants: 13; Domus Magnus of Verditius

This is Tribunal where House Tytalus was found to be demonist. Lenap was supposed to be the launch point of the Order's war against the Order of the Viridian Eye but the Fall of House Tytalus and the Great Schism has turned this into a sleepy backwater of the Order.

Lenap has a large population of Verditius magi. They use this as a useful base into Viridstan to collect examples of magical artifacts. The Tribunal and the Queasitori keep a close eye on these incursions to insure what befell House Tytalus, doesn't happen to House Verditius. The efforts of Verditius magi has turned Lenap into a major center of magical artifice and minor items.

Also Lenap is one of the more orthodox Archdioceses of the Church of Mitra. Magi here has to keep a low profile lest they run a foul of the church. Surprisely the dominion is weak here, which has fueled endless rounds of debates.

However all this has paled beside the threat of the forces of Horus. About 10 years ago they came out of the desert, believing in Horus and his ever watchful eye. They have conquered a small empire to the north of Lenap and now are threatening the southern reaches of Viridstan and Lenap itself. The followers of Horus have proven to most rabid against magi and believe them to be sons of demons and need to cleansed from the earth.

The Order was caught unawares and is scrambling to organize a response to this threat. Also the Order faces problems in manipulating the local rulers as the Church is set against the Order. Attempts by the Order to scry the followers of Horus have been difficult. It seem that along with the followers of Horus there is a dominion that is as powerful as any of the ten other gods!.

The Tribunal of the Western Isles

Region: The Islands west of Isle of the Blest in the Sea of Five Winds.

Covenants: White Reef; 3 others

In the center of this Tribunal is the Maelstrom that guards the link between the Wilderlands and the Tiranog. All of the covenants were here to study the maelstrom and demons. But since the problem with House Tytalus, severe restriction has been placed on their work.

Since three of the four covenants are winter covenants. It is expected that the Tribunal will soon not have the minimum four covenants to meet. White Reef is planning to ask to join the Tribunal of Kynar where it can share it lore with Ashenrise.

The Tribunal of the Eastern Isles

Region: The islands in east of the Isle of the Blest in the Sea of Five Winds.

Covenants: Naeve, Isselmere, 7; Domus Magnus of House Tremere, Domus Magnus of House Mecere.

This Tribunal is a varied collection of Covenants. Most have come to the eastern isles to be isolated and pursue their research in private. There are several known realms of merfolks scattered around the eastern isles and many magi have come here to study them and learn their lore.

Isselmere is the headquarters of House Mecere. It is located on a island with a great harbor. They maintain a fleet of several ships that have some of the finest crew in the world. The pirates of this area have long learned to leave the ships flying the red banner alone. Also here in Isselmere is one of the finest history of the Order known. If somebody can't find a obscure by-law or old biography, often they are referred to Isselmere.

Naeve a large sprawling complex on a island. It is dominated by House Tremere and the Domus Magnus currently resides here. It is known as the foremost center of certamen. For the past two hundred years House Tremere, hold a contest every 16 years to find the best wielders of certamen, slowly the contest has been evolving to include more than just certamen, extending to all the magical arts. The next games are set to be in 4450.

The Eastern Isles are the site of the launching of many voyages of explorations. Some go to the Sarnic lands (although the dominion of Hamakhis makes that a risky endeavor), others the Karian Isles, the Pearl Coast, or even further east into the Mysterious East.

Rumors has that several members of Tremere has ventured into the Sarnic lands and become Afetus; (free-willed undead of Hamakhis that have thirteen lives). Also some Tremere have been experimenting with becoming blood children of Kali (Vampires). The Domus Magnus denies all these rumors, but at the same time doesn't offer any aid to the Quaetoris.

Of more immediate concern is the mysterious comings and going of magi from the east. Some seem just want to engage in pleasant conversation while other have actually engaged in certamen. It is planned to discuss these encounters at the next Grand Tribunal.

The Tribunal of Modron

Region: Modron, and Nomar.

Covenants: 9

This Tribunal is beset by invasions. In the 4200's they had to take the magi refugees from the fall of Kalnala. In 4311 they had to deal with the takeover of Modron by Salm-Lorin, and now they are dealing with the Skandian invasion of Nomar and the continuing conflict with the Order of Thor.

The dominions of Mitra (and Thor) is strong in this region so many of the covenants are located on the fringes of civilizations. Many of the convenants are in favor of a greater Order commitment to the lands in this Tribunal. They believe that the threat of Set is not in the south but in the north. They are especially concerned with the City-State establishment of a Myrmidon of Set as a Duke on Nomar's southern frontiers.

House Meritan is found in large numbers in this tribunal due to the nearness of Elven and Faeries realms. House Flambeau and House Tytalus are found in large numbers in this Tribunal.

The Tribunal of the Roglaroon.

Region: The City-State, west to Viridstan.

Covenants: The Chantry of Arcane Lore: 13 others

This Tribunal is know as one of the pre-eminent areas for magical research. Only the Tribunal of Tula exceeds in the quantity and quality of research. As the homeland of Bonisagus many of house Bonisagus choose to settle here. Also there are many member of Ex Miscellanea here, mostly magi of combined Ghinorian Elessarian heritage. If there is one word to describe the Magi of City-State is variety.

In the western reaches of this Tribunal there is a three way conflict between the Order of the Viridian Eye, Thoth, and the Trehaen. With the recent conquering of Antillia by the City-State the Order is looking at a opportunity to expand.

Also the Tribunal faces a real threat in the Order of Set. The City-State has had a temple of Set for almost fifty years now and has been used a based for visiting magi from the Order of Set. Now Divolic, a Myrmidon of Set has been created a Duke, the threat from the Order of Set is becoming a real concern. Also of concern is the Overlord's continued support of the Order of the Trehaen, as edvinced by Lewellyn the Blue as his Esoteric Royal. The Order would like a firmer accounting of the magical items that are still missing from the looting of the Chantry of Arcane Lore. To this date the Order has been frustrated in their efforts to penetrate the inner sactums of the Overlord by a unknown agency.

The Tribunal of the Northern Isles

Region: The Islands of the Winedark Sea.

Covenants: 7

This is a frontier of the Order, here in the stormy Winedark sea several covenants have chosen to build isolated homes from civilization and the rest of the Order. Among these covenants is some of the brightest of the Order's magi. Working with the magic of the Order of Thor, and the Trehaen, they are starting to come up with some new spells and concepts that rival those of City-State and Tula.

The covenant have been recruiting heavily among House Flambeau to provide aid against the raids of the Order of Thor.

The Tribunal of Nome

Region: Nome, and the eastern shore of the Winedark down to Tarantis.

Covenants: Blackstone Keep: 10

The Northernmost land of the Ghinorians and the Order they have to deal with the Order of Thor almost constantly. When the Principality of Kalnala fell in the 4200's most of it's magi flew north to Nome. Here they are plan for the day they can return to Kalnala.

Of more immediate concern is the threat of the Northerons from the sea and the Mosgolian barbarians on the eastern frontiers of Nome. Various covenants plan to aid the forces of Nome against the Mosgolians to test tactics and strategies for the reconquest of Kalnala.

Also of concern is Blackstone Keep and it's leader Blackstone. Blackstone has several villages of mundanes under his control, much more than a covenant of Blackstone Keep size would need. Blackstone's great grandfather was one of those executed in the crackdown on House Tytalus. It is rumored he has much of his great grandfather's demonic lore. But investigation by the Quaestori has turned up nothing. Blackstone has declared several Wizard Wars against his accusers and has won all of them. Blackstone is also the Primus of Nome and has a tact understand that he won't use his powers to interfere with the working of the Tribunal as long they "overlook" his extra villages. As Blackstone has built up the village by attracting settlers not by conquest, the magi has agreed not to bring it to the Tribunal.

The Tribunal of Waterdeep

Region: Waterdeep and westward.

Covenants: Jerabor 3; Dominus Magi of Ex Miscellnia

This is the newest of the Tribunals of the Order, established in 4403. The Tribunal compete heavily against the Order of the Trehaen and the Order of Thor. The City of Waterdeep greatly supports the Order of Thoth, and the populace is almost sure that Primus Keleben Blackstaff is one of the hidden lords. Investigations by the Quaetoris have turned up nothing as all the hidden lords are protected by spells from the Order of the Trehaen. BlackStaff repeatedly denies he is a hidden Lord.

The Tribunal has a understanding with the City of Waterdeep that in exchange for their support, the Order won't harass the Order of the Trehaen. At various times Waterdhavian magi has discreetly told Flambeau, Tremere and Tytalus magi to leave the Tribunal. This tribunal has a high concentration of Ex Miscellia. Many rarely are involved with the Order. As Jerabor is home to the Primus of House Ex Miscellnia, many believe that Ex Miscellanea is inducting Order of Trehaen magi indiscriminately. All investigations of the Quaestori have determined everything is in order.